0800 800 594 or 03 687 4640
If you believe lives are at risk, call 111 immediately
Waste Away South Ltd provides comprehensive services to help our customers in responding to spills of hazardous materials of all kinds including oil spillages.
Over the years we have attended everything from diesel to concrete, ammonia and powder spills. We have the experience, skills and technology to deal with both major and minor environmental incidents.
We hold a Tier 1 Oil Spill Contingency & Response Plan meaning if a Marine spill should occur, harm to the Marine Environment is minimised if not prevented.
Response Times
The Waste Away team is ready 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year to respond to your spill. We utilize a 24-hour emergency call line (0800 800 594) manned by a live operator to ensure that response actions are set in motion the moment a call for help is received.
Hazardous Materials
Hazardous materials can be anything from pesticides, dangerous goods, house hold cleaners and chemicals, industrial chemicals, petrol, diesel and any other dangerous substances.
Under the HSNO Act, controls have been put in place to manage the risks on all hazardous substances to safeguard people and the environment.
How to determine if a substance is hazardous?
Under the HSNO Act, a hazardous substance is any substance that has one or more of the following properties above specified levels:
- An explosive nature
- Flammability
- Ability to oxidise (i.e. accelerate a fire)
- Corrosiveness
- Acute or chronic toxicity (toxic to humans)
- Ecotoxicity, with or without bioaccumulation (i.e. can kill living things directly or by building up in the environment)
- Can generate a hazardous substance on contact with air or water
Hazardous substances can have more than one hazardous property. For example: methylated spirits and petrol are flammable and toxic.
Emergency Spill Equipment
Our response equipment, including vac trucks, absorbent pads and booms, skimmers, neutralization materials, HEPA dry vacs, over packing materials, and pressure washing units are maintained in a state of constant preparedness.
We provide rapid response to pollution discharges of environmentally hazardous substances to protect people, property and the environment.
Our emergency spill services include:
- Site safety assessment
- Containment and clean-up of spill
- Disposal of contamination
- Liaison with regional and other relevant authorities
- Site remediation and monitoring
Waste Away South Ltd offer extremely competitive prices – Call our office for more information
0800 800 594 or 03 687 4640